Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jesus and moldy buns....

My mind tends to be an extremely busy place to be. At any given point of the day you would find that I am having a minimal of three different thought processes or conversations going on in my head. Analyzing to paralysis is a normal everyday thing for me. My thoughts tend to become this twisted mass of confusion and chaos of which most of the time I have no clue what any of the original thoughts were. It can be highly tiring to try and follow most of the thoughts that I think. A thought that starts with I need to pee after 4 hours of reflection and debate in my head ends with thinking about Jesus and moldy buns. Now how exactly did I come from the fact that my bladder was full to Jesus and moldy buns? Well I am going to attempt to take you on a journey through my thoughts.... Hold on cause there might be some turbulence!!!
Last night at work all seemed well and kinda quiet in my head. Actually it probably wasn't because at the time I was doing paperwork, watching television, and playing on my phone but for the most part even though I was really multi-tasking my mind seemed as focused as it has the capacity to be. Oh yes and I was munching on some cheese curls and a pickle! Gotta love me some pickles. Anyway see what I mean by a million different thoughts zooming through my head. Back to last night at work, all of the sudden it hit me that I had to go to the bathroom. So while I was doing my business I got to thinking about Adam and Eve and what the Garden of Eden was like before the fall. You know how beautiful it was, what Adam and Eve did during the day, how did they look. All these thoughts and ideas racing through my head. Next thing I knew I was thinking about Adam and Eve and the bathroom. Just you know everyday things that people think about like where did they relieve themselves? Since before the fall there was no shame did Eve care if Adam stood there and talked to her while she was in the "bathroom"? What did they use to wipe? Leaves? Oh yes I tried to warn you my head takes me on some strange adventures. Anyway not really coming up with any answers to all these questions I moved on to the next topic.
One of my favorite Scriptures is in Hebrews 4:15 where it talks about Jesus being our High Priest who is in touch with those things that we face. He understands what we go through and how we are tempted. So I went off meditating on the scripture. Thinking about those things that I struggle with and how He knows and He sympathizes with those parts of my life. Knowing that I can bring to Him ANYTHING and He can understand and feel what I am. How awesome is that!!! Of course I didn't stay there long before I found myself sitting on the couch at work back to this whole bathroom thing. I don't know what makes me get stuck on certain thoughts but I really struggle with letting things go sometimes.
What about Jesus? How did he take care of his body's needs? Yes, I did go there and think about Jesus being made fully human and all that entails. There is a lot there to think about believe me cause I think I explored every area of Jesus' life while He was walking this earth.
Seems so strange to me to think about Jesus not just being a baby but thinking about what does a baby do. Can you picture baby Jesus giggling at Mary while she changes His diapers? Can you see toddler Jesus as He is learning to walk? Can you see Him tumble over his feet and fall crying while Mary lifts him out of the dirt and soothes Him? What about teenager Jesus? Can you see Him following Joseph to his workshop? Can you see Jesus learning to use a saw? I spent most of my morning just thinking about these things. About what it really meant for Jesus to become FULLY human.
Phillipians 2:5-8 in the Message Bible says Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn't think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn't claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion.
WOW!!! That is totally what Jesus did He came down to earth from Heaven. He left all the gloriousness of being with God in heaven so He could come down to be born of a virgin, to be raised by a carpenter, to experience everything that we do! He was willing to get sick with the stomach flu. Willing to humble Himself to know what it felt like to be rejected and despised. He didn't come down in royal form yet He came as a baby born in a manger.
So you may be wondering where I found myself at Jesus and moldy buns.
Well about a month ago a a really good friend of mine posted a Facebook status that said.... So you know what they say, "The family that bunks together..." And the end of the sentence is blows chunks together. Her family had some down sick and it was not a very fun time in their household. Well in the course of Facebook comments I said Guess that's better than a family that ______ together gets the runs together.... However I could not come up with a good word to fill in that blank. Guns, funs, buns.... Hmmph... No those didn't sound just right. After some suggestions from other friends the winner was finally given as The family that eats moldy buns together... gets the runs together. So after 4 hours I ended with thinking about the fact that Jesus and his family might have sometimes ate moldy buns and ended up in the bathroom with.... I will let you finish the sentence.