Monday, January 23, 2012

Leaving A Legacy....

Over the past few weeks I have spent some time pondering the type of legacy I want to pass down to the next generations in my family.  Do I want my future children to be struggling with the same issues that I have battled?  Do I want my future grand-children fighting an addiction that has been passed down from generation to generation?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
Growing up I didn't know that there was a possiblity that things could be different.  I thought that is was my destiny to walk through addiction, pain, and sufferings.  I thought that because my mom behaved in a certain way that I was destined to behave in that same way.  I was certain that my life would just progress exactly the way that my parents and grandparents lives did.
Last blog post I challenged myself and you to write out an A-Z list of characteristics and behaviors that would be included in a legacy that you would like to pass down to the future generations.  I have done that and will share with you what I put on my legacy list.  However I thought that I might also look at what type of legacy was passed down to me.  You see there are behaviors that are preveliant in my family, behaviors that it seems everyone struggles with.  Then there are certain behaviors that I picked up in response to some of the stuff passed down to me.  In making an A-Z list of those things that have roots in my family history and those things that I have added to that list throughout my life my A-Z list would include things like: Addictions, Broken Promises,Cutting, Divorce, Emotional Eating, Fighting, Gambling, Health Issues, Insecurities,Jealousy.  It would also include such things as suicide, mental illness, worthlessness, abuse, pornography, and sexual sin.  Are these the types of things that I want to pass down to my children and my children's children?  NO!! And thankfully I don't have to.  I can draw the line with me.  Sexual abuse in my family can end with me!! Addictions can end with me!! Mental illness can end with me!!! I don't have to pass these things on to future generations and I WON'T!!!
So if I don't want to leave this legacy than what do I want to leave?  Well I have wrote out an A-Z list of the legacy that I do want to leave.  I have printed it out and framed it.  I then hung it on my bedroom wall so that I see it everyday and I am reminded of what I am fighting for.  So what type of legacy do I want to leave?

..But showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments-Exodus 20:6
A anointing of the Holy Spirit
B broken generational sins
C confidence in who they are in Christ
D discernment
E employment (steady and reliable)
F financial responsibility and security
G godly spouses
H healthy boundaries
I integrity
J joy of the Lord
K knowledge and wisdom
L love (pure agape love not foo-foo love based on deeds)
M ministry involvement
N not easily swayed by the enemy
O operating in the gifts of the Spirit
P passion for prayer
Q quick to turn from sin and repent
R reaching out to others
S steadfast faith
T trustworthy
U unity within the family
V victorious in Christ
W worship
X eXamples of Christ's love
Y yearning for Heaven
Z zeal for the Word

What legacy will you leave?  Will your children struggle like you have or will they walk in freedom?

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