Sunday, November 25, 2012

Someone's Watching....

Wouldn't it be great if after we dusted our homes once dust bunnies never returned to live in our houses? Unfortunately dust always returns eventually and once again we have to get out the feather duster and pledge.  What if I said that it's all good because I took a shower last Tuesday.  I am guessing that most of you would not want to be within smell of me if that was actually the case.  How about getting a new car and running it through the car wash that first week and four years later thinking that one car wash was still sufficient?  Most of these scenarios sound asinine to us yet can I make a confession?  
 I am guilty of living my relationship with Jesus like this quite often.  Never would I try to survive on the chicken sandwich and fries that I had for lunch today until next Sunday yet I try to stretch the spiritual feeding that I got this morning for a week.  Sometimes if I go to a retreat or a conference I even try to make that feeding last me a whole month! 
This morning as we were getting ready for church Kaiden announced to me that his teacher at church said that I don't pray and read the Bible everyday.  I asked him why he thinks I don't read the Bible daily or  pray.  His response was well I never see you read the Bible.  OUCH! As much as that hurt me he was speaking truth.  I don't pick up and read my Bible daily.  I am not teaching him the importance of Scripture in His life.  I must ask myself is that the example that I want to leave him?  Absolutely not! I have to start picking up my Bible daily so that I can be spiritually feed but also so that my nephew can see my faith in action.  He is watching me even if I don't think he is sometimes.  
Is there an area in your spiritual walk that is lacking? For me it's Bible reading but for you maybe it's prayer or worship.  Who is watching and looking to you for guidance?  My challenge is that we become intentional about those things that we lack discipline in.  

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