Monday, October 24, 2011

Are you using your weapons?

So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. Ephesians 6:11 Message

If you’re anything like me God has to teach you stuff sometimes over and over again before it sinks in completely. For me a lot of times God uses my 3-year old nephew to remind me of lessons that He has taught me. A few days ago was one of those times…Kaiden and I were outside where he was playing and I was just enjoying watching the wonder and excitement that was in his precious eyes. One of his favorite games to play is Samari. Which for a 3-yr old just means that he takes his foam sword and beats anything within reach of it. Quite amusing on most days as long as I don’t take a blow to the head. On this particular day Kaiden set his eyes on the brick wall to use the sword to beat down. As he took his sword back and prepared to hit that wall with everything in him he screamed out, “Get out of my life!!! I don’t want this in my life!!” And with those words he swung full force into the brick wall causing a loud smack to echo into the atmosphere. As he was trying to destroy this brick wall that was according to him in his life uninvited anymore I felt God whisper to me You know I have given you a sword. I quickly dismissed that thought with little acknowledgement. I know that I have been given a sword to use in my battles yet I knew inside of me that I wasn’t using that gift that God gave me. I knew that I was allowing things to become brick walls in my life that I needed to destroy. For the next ten minutes Kaiden continued to attempt to knock down the brick wall with his Nerf foam sword while God continued to speak to my spirit. I have called you to tear down those walls that are in your life my child. I have given you a sword not made of foam but a sword made of MY Word. I have given you everything you need to knock those things down that are keeping you from me. I have the power to destroy EVERYTHING that is keeping you from being intimately close to me. Won’t you pick your weapon back up? Last April I went on a retreat where God really opened up to me the power that I have when I use His Word against those things that are destroying my life. He showed me that it was time to pick up my sword and go into battle. I came home from that retreat having taken authority of areas of my life that I needed victory in. Areas that I have struggled with from the time I was a little girl. I always come home from those retreats renewed and refreshed and energized. Yet as the days pass and turn into months I tend to lose the fight that I had those first few weeks home. Life gets busy, work starts to consume my life, start spending more and more time relaxing and not being proactive. Before I know it I have placed the truth that God has called me to be a warrior in my life on the back burner. And then once my defenses are down in comes the enemy for an attack. Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [[a]in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. 1 Peter 5:8 Amplified Just like scripture states my enemy is just waiting for that day when I set the sword down, that day when I start to grow weary of the fight. He is waiting for that day when I start to allow even a small opening where he might have an opportunity to hit me with one of his fiery darts. I have to admit that I had set down my sword in this battle against this area of my life that is blocking me from a completely free and intimate relationship with my Daddy who loves me. I had allowed the enemy to come in and start whispering to me those lies that he has been telling me from back as far as I can remember. Lies such as- This is just who you are, you’re never going to be free from this, come on just one look, no one will know, God made you this way, Your God is keeping you from any fun, and the list goes on and on. Until eventually I start to believe those lies again and I start to act out on them. One thing that the enemy doesn’t highlight when he is whispering in my ear is the truth. The truth that everytime I act out in this area I feel tremendous guilt and shame. The truth that I have been called to greater things. The truth that I am not that word. The truth is that I am a Princess. The truth is that I have been given power to trample the enemy under my feet. The truth is that there is power in God’s Word to break ANYTHING that is keeping me bound. The truth that my Daddy wants to know me. The truth that God knit me in my mom’s womb. The truth that He loves me enough to not leave me in bondage. Are you carrying the sword? Are there areas in your life where you have allowed the enemy to have a foothold? Are you believing the lies of the enemy? Have you built walls that are keeping your Daddy at a distance? If so pick up that sword which is the Word of God and start destroying the works of the enemy. Seek out Scriptures to combat every lie that the enemy is throwing at you. Pray and ask God to reveal to you those lies that you are believing. Spend time with Him ask Him to show you how He sees you. Start walking in freedom!!!

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