Tuesday, October 25, 2011

God is totally for you!!

Have you ever gone through a time where all you could cling to was just one phrase or one scripture to get you through? Have you ever felt like pulling your hair out and screaming at everyone who walks by? Have you ever been so frustrated that you could cry at the drop of a hat?
I could so say yes to every one of those questions. For the past month I have been bombarded by so many things. I have literally felt like I was being torn in half. There were days were all I could do was just repeat the words above from Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? I clung to those words like they were my lifeline because they were. I had to keep God’s promises always before me otherwise I would sit down and give up.
One of the things that I have learned over this past month is that the enemy will throw anything he can at you if he thinks it will distract you. If I am completely honest it worked with me for a while. I was so distracted by trying to fix everything that was going wrong that I took my eyes off of my Jesus. When I took my eyes off of Jesus then I allowed anger and hatred to become a part of my days. How exactly did that happen you may wonder. Well I am going to share with you some of the enemies tactics for distraction.
At the beginning of July on a Friday morning I stopped at a Marathon gas station on the way to work. After filling my tank I went to start my car and it would start but once I put it in drive it would die. I tried over and over again. Yet each time the car would start perfect but once I took my foot off the gas it died. Ok so not the way I want to start my morning but not a major crisis. I called my patient and work letting them know. I then called my roadside assistance people to get a tow to the mechanic. I was able to see my patient later that evening and the car was at the mechanics. Thankful that I had the means to get the car towed and fixed I was able to praise God for the way things were going to work out.
The mechanic had my car until that next Thursday. I had to miss a week of work at my job but at least the car was fixed. I could always pick up a few extra hours to cover what I had missed at work. However I would soon find out that the car was not fixed. Over the next month or so I took the car back to this mechanic three more times. Once was by another tow truck. After putting around $800 into my car I was so frustrated that I had allowed anger to take over. You see even after putting all this money into my car and him having my car for around two weeks total it still isn’t fixed.
Already frustrated and worried about missing work and not having reliable transportation every thing that happened that wasn’t good just seemed to rock me to the core. Over that next month I got very sick. I never get sick but here I was at Immediate Care getting meds for my double ear infection, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Which meant more missed work. However my car was at the mechanics again during that time so I was already going to have to miss work sick or not.
Another thing that I have learned is that the enemy will continue to throw things at you until he finds the thing that will make you totally forget what God has called you to do. By the middle of the month I was so angry at everyone that I was just snapping left and right. Anything that was said I took the wrong way. It got to the point where I was tired of being around me. I didn’t want to be angry but I wasn’t sure how to get out of it. So I just kept praying that God would help me walk in love. I prayed continuously that no matter what happened that I would not allow it to put any type of barrier between me and God. It was time for me to dig in and hold on with everything that I had.
Do you think that things were smooth sailing from then on? Absolutely not!! I got hit by two more things before the end of the month. The enemy knows my past and he may know those things that I struggle with but he can only throw those temptations out there. He can’t make me give in to them. I had an incident at work where temptation was totally right there in my face. I could so give in and no one would have to know. I mean it was right there I hadn’t gone looking for it. It was just dropped in my lap. From somewhere inside of me that anger that I had towards everything and everyone else finally started to get directed in the right way. I needed to be directed my anger towards the enemy of my soul. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 The thief, my enemy, was trying to steal from me. He is the one who wants to kill and destroy me. Jesus wants to give me life!! He wants me to have a full life. All of this stuff was not coming from up above. God was not angry at me but apparently the enemy had reason to fear me.
Then came the biggest blow. Would this be the thing to rock my foundation? I was hit with some information about a very close family member that devastated me. This was going to change not only her future but it was going to effect mine too. While I was trying to process this news a friend of mine reminded me of the scripture Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
No matter what life may throw at us. No matter what trial or crisis you may be walking through God has a plan. He will work everything for your good. All we have to do is keep loving Him. Keep our eyes and focus on Him. I may have gotten distracted for a while but I am more focused now than ever before. I will continue to tell my story of redemption to other hurting people and the enemy can bring his best shot but I know the One who wins in the end!!
Has life gotten you distracted? Is the enemy trying to throw a deter in your way? Are you focused on the giver of great things or are you running around trying to fix all that is wrong? Where is your focus today? Stand on the promise in Romans 8:28!!! God is TOTALLY for you!!! No one and no situation can change that!!!

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